
Showing posts from July, 2020

27 Umbrella Tactics

Have I got a funny one for you!      One morning, Porcelain set out to hike across town. She had a doctor's appointment, and was going to stop by the store on the way home. She was dressed appropriately with her umbrella, glasses, and bag. Out the door she went! She was on the bus in no time at all and on her way to run those errands.      It was a little windy by the time she had gotten her coffee at the local cafe, which she frequented more often than the Starbucks, because of the wonderful atmosphere. Porcelain loved the place because of it's coziness and small-town feel. Back on the bus she went to her appointment.       Walking up the smaller hill to her doctor's office from the bus stop, she finally noticed the wind when her umbrella just about turned inside out! Luckily it was a golf umbrella, and it held its ground long enough for her to get inside, early for her appointment. A couple hours later, Porcelain had finished with her ...

26 Navigating Urban Hiking

Have you ever thought of what it's like to be allergic to sun, not own a car because you never needed to, and have to navigate a whole new city?  We did! Here's how we learned how to navigate urban hiking in our city.       Porcelain and her daughter Harmony were finally putting down roots. Just one hitch. They never realized what urban hiking actually meant until they did. The hills were numerous. It was a college town, so thankfully, it had a reliable bus system, and plenty of stores that were open later in the evening. Navigating this place would be a cinch!      First things first: finding a job that Porcelain could do that would let her avoid sun exposure was a task within itself. She quickly put her resume in at the local college's anthropology department. She already had a partial degree in historical research and planned on finishing her education in this area. Her resume was accepted and she became a data entry assistant! Porcelain loved ...