20 Paying For My Raising

And you thought a normal baby was a chore to raise. Hah!

     Harmony was an... interesting child. When she threw tantrums, light bulbs would blow. Her mother had to stockpile them! And her teeth came in a way that made doctors smile - two pointy canines first. She was so cute when she smiled! Those pointy teeth hurt though. Porcelain decided it was time to buy a breast pump!

     Harmony and her cousin, one month a part, grew up together like sisters. And with that closeness came arguments. Porcelain and her own sister had to break them up if they had a big argument, because more than likely, there was biting involved! I'm sure the neighbors loved hearing "No biting!" on a daily basis! As if they didn't already think we were weird.

     As I've written before, you can introduce meat to babies between 6-8 months. Harmony's favorite was beef, with chicken coming in a close second. Porcelain would never forget her daughter’s first pasta with meat. She had bought the tot an oversized, clear, plastic bib, because it was reusable and easy to clean. That meant less laundry! And boy was it worth the money. Harmony had the pasta on her face, her hands, the bib, and miraculously most of it made it into her mouth. It was totally picture worthy (and yes, I still have the picture).

     Curtains had always been closed during the day when the sun came beating in. In the evening they were wide open so the natural light could be used without the pain of the sunshine. When Harmony began to crawl around, she would rip open the curtains whenever she had the chance, causing a scream to erupt from the toddler because her eyes were sensitive to the bright light. Her mother would come running in, closing the curtains and comforting her daughter with a heavy sigh.

Nothing like your child reenacting a classic vampire scene every day!

And that's just a few examples. Till next time! ;)
