
Showing posts from November, 2019

19 Bringing Harmony Home

Was the city a great place to raise a kid you ask? No. The answer was no.      Porcelain decided to move back in with her mother, for moral support, and starting all over can be stressful. It's wonderful when family can be there to help out. Her mother was quite happy to have her there, since Italian families love a house full of kids! She was also living closer to her sister again, who was pregnant with her own child. Due any minute!      Harmony’s nursery was adorned in unicorns and dragons. In her dark, cherrywood crib she watched the plush clouds of her mobile, as she heard her mother tell tales of Gods, witches, and knights on daring adventures.      At night, Porcelain would play "Enter Sandman" by Metallica, to help the baby sleep during storms. It seemed to be her favorite alongside classical music. A strange mix, but it calmed her when the thunder would crack so loud it shook the house. She held her baby in her arms and rocke...

I'm back, so many updates!

Where I went, why I was offline, and now I'm back. Greetings! If this is your first time to my blog, please read "Welcome to the Crypt". No I am not a roleplayer, no I do not need to be told "the difference between vampires and porphyria", and yes, I do actually have Erythropoietic Protoporphyria. Any comments that are derogatory will not make it live on my blog. Please be respectful when commenting. I encourage debate and reasonable questions. I love answering questions! Now, to the nitty gritty.      I was offline due to no internet, selling my house and moving into an apartment. I was not able to care for the outdoor portion of my house due to no longer having a roommate. He abruptly decided to leave all in one night. Aside from personal details which I won't share here and personal friends know all the details, I had to think quickly and come up with a plan for the futu...